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In a country like India, where people of any age are crazy for fashion, the trendy shows on national TV channels are assisting them to know about what's hot and what's not. It's not just about any popular fashion shows being telecasted on popular music and entertainment channels! People even keep an eye on the fashion that any contestant of a reality show on TV follows in his/her wardrobe. Whether it is related to the clothes, shoes, goggles, tattoos piercing or fashion of any kind, people like to follow it all from their favorite stars on TV. With changing fashion trends no common man is lagging behind. And that's for sure when we see millions of residents following the fashion from TV shows. A new serial or a reality show is surely introduced as a new season arrives.,Show I of Day 2 began with 'Elan' by Priti Bansal and Kaushik Ghosh and 'Samars Designs��by Pankaj Kumar and Ajit Parihar. Both collections were fresh and innovative and in shades of greens and browns. While Elanhad a very slick look to all its ensembles be it the colours of the garments, the cuts and silhouettes used. Koushik Ghosh of the Elanduo is a pass out of Apparel Trading and Design Creative Center- Kolkata where he won the best designer award in his final year. He has been designing costumes for renowned film directors Rakha Dutta, Putool Mohamad and Rajnish Kashyap since then till Elan happened. For them this is the first time they have been to Bangalore and the complex southern market. In search of expanding their customer database they are still awaiting positive conversions from causal buyer queries post the show. They used constructive patterns, pleats, embroidery as medium on fabrics like georgette, chiffon and talosilk. Next in line were Delhi based duo Pankaj and Ajit presented a slick line inspired by tribal art. Beads, embroidery and patch work was what stood out in their creations. Both the collections received a positive and appreciative response from the little audience that was present. As Koushik Ghosh aptly said, "Its very good to be in Bangalore Fashion Week and actually showing wish their was more of an audience to appreciate the show.",Fashion changes every season! May be that's why it is said that fashion fades while style is eternal. But no matter how many new trends appear and fades away, shopping enthusiasm of women's attire by ladies will remain unchanged. Fashion in women's wear stays on the top of the mind of designers while preparing their collection for a new season. So, this season – Spring/Summer 2013 – one can find the presence of colors, prints and patterns.First and foremost trend that tops the trend chart is the monochromatic shades. Whoever said black and white are monotonous, dull and's to update your fashion facts. Because this season monochromatic mania is everywhere. In women's clothing, white top and black pencil skirt or black and white chess board checkered corporate office wear dresses will be a big hit. Pair it with your favourite pair of wayfarers with minimal accessories and you'll turn into a chic girl on duty!Women's attire will look incomplete without colors. If you love to experiment with colors, start your celebration because this season is all yours! Pastels, pop of neon, bold and loud hues are going to be big this season. So bid a goodbye to dull grays and blacks of your winter fashion and get ready to inject some colors to your summer wardrobe. No matter what the occasion is, colors are a must to add life to your entire look.This season celebrates colors and monochromatic hues like black and white simultaneously. If you're bowled over by the chic checkered patterns, get hold of yourself because sassy stripes are here! Orange, pink, black, navy, kelly green...and every possible colored stripes you can imagine are in vogue. Colorful striped skinny pants are the new addition in women's wear range, this season. Wear your pink and crème striped shirt blouse with high waist trouser to make a style statement. While you can pick some bright colored stripe fitted skirt with graphic printed blouse with balloon sleeves, for a girl's hang out party.Next in the trend list is the cool, casual yet stylish graphic printed women's wear dresses and tops. Shirts, tees, skirts, and even sarees...women's clothing holds endless options. This season women's attire will witness a wide range of prints and patterns. From graphic, floral, oriental to geometric and animal prints, Spring/Summer 2013 is all about going bright and colorful with prints. Wear your checkered cigarette pants with vintage pink ruffled shirt and get ready to sizzle.For the ultra feminine side, get ready to seduce yourself with romantic ruffles. Wear dresses and shirt blouses with statement frills and ruffles to make a big statement. While revamping your summer wardrobe, pick bright colored ruffled dresses from women's clothing section and get ready to bask in the limelight.When the subject of discussion is Spring-Summer trend, you can leave behind white clothing. This season is no exception. But what's new is that this season goes bold with this pristine shade and designers advice to wear white on white. Don't shy away from experimenting. Pick a women's wear over-sized white shirt and team it up with white front slit skirt or hot pants. As said earlier, women's attire looks half-made without colors, so when you'll be embracing yourself in all-white clothing, add a pop of color in the form of accessories.So get ready to inject a refreshing air into your wardrobe with these lively and current trends. Shop online and get access to amazing women's wear selections at incredible price range.
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In modern,more and more people start to take much time to pursue fashion and quality life. they will pay more attention on clothing,to search suitable and fashion style clothing to show out their beautiful appearance and perfect figures. Especially for fashion women,shopping beautiful and fashional clothing is the necessary.